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Malanchuk V.A., Brodetsky I.S.
Complex treatment of jaws osteomyelitіs in patients with drug addiction

The aim of this work is to improve the effectiveness of treatment for jaws osteomyelitis in patients with drug addiction. The object of the research was 100 patients suffering from jaws osteomyelitis accompanied by drug addiction. Clinical, roentgenologic, microbiological, laboratory, immunological and pathohislogical examination was carried out in all patients. Anamnesis data analysis allowed us to find out that more than 64% of patients had comorbidities - hepatites B and C. The majority of them were patients with hepatitis C – 53,12%. About 26,56% of patients had a history of previous hepatitis B. A combination of both hepatites (B and C) was observed in  20,31% of patients. As a result of the studies in 16 patients (7,69%) serious complications - sepsis, osteomyelitis of the skull base bones, brain abscess were identified, that led to death in 15 out of 16 patients. The most effective among all types of surgical interventions were intraoral resections (necrectomies) of the jaws and surrounding facial bones of the skull, that on the one hand enabled the reduction in the amount of the blood loss and the possibility of salivary fistula development, and on the other hand helped to keep the blood supply of the periosteum tissues, which is important for possible tissues regeneration. The conducted researches led to the elaboration of complex treatment of jaws osteomyelitis in patients with drug addiction, it enabled the improvement of positive dynamics of clinical symptoms – duration of fistulas suppuration and painful symptom reduced, organism’s temperature reactivity normalized, demarcation processes accelerated, general state of the patients became better.
Key words: osteomyelitis, narcomania, medicamentous and surgical treatment, roncoleukin.


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