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Lysenko I.M., Kosenkova E.G.  
Modern principles of intrauterine infections diagnosing in children

Nowadays intrauterine infections are widely spread among children all over the world. Intrauterine infections to a large extent influence the indices of stillbirth, neonatal and infantile mortality. The results of neonatal period analysis of 247 newborns are given in this article. Their health condition has been assessed using anthropometric, general clinical and instrumental methods of the investigation. It has been determined that physical development of children with clinical manifestations of intrauterine infections and children with high or moderate risk of  intrauterine infections development is statistically lower in comparison with that of healthy children and children with low risk. The diagnosis of intrauterine infections has been confirmed by the evaluation of proteins indices of the acute phase of inflammation, polymerase chain reaction and the values of placental-funic complex. The criteria for the obligatory and delayed administration of antibacterial therapy have been established.
Key words: newborns, intrauterine infection, inflammation proteins.


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