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Proshina G.A., Kokhanskaya S.V., Burak I.I.
The habitat of mezostigmatic ticks of Laelaptidae family (parasitiformes, mesostigmata, gamasina) in Belarus

Laelaptidae family includes a considerable quantity of genera and species. The life-style of ticks of this family is very diverse. Parasitic representatives of Laelaptidae family belong to Eulaelaps, Androlaelaps, Laelaps, Hyperlaelaps, Myonyssus genera.
The aim of this work was to investigate the distribution of mezostigmatic ticks of Laelaptidae family over the  habitats in the conditions of Belarus. Collection of ticks and material processing were conducted by the standard methods.
5674 specimens of small mammals of 14 species (insectivores and rodents), 265 nests of 4 species of rodents, 806 specimens of insects of 10 species (coleopterous and hymenopterous), 613 samples of soil and litter in various biotopes were investigated.
13440 ticks of lelaptids referred to 39 species were collected and identified. Lelaptids found belong to 10 genera the representatives of which lead both free (predators, saprophagous), and parasitic (hematophagous) way of life. Mixed food is characteristic of some species.
Acarocenoses of small mammals and their nests include 29 species of lelaptid ticks (23 - on small animals, 22 - in the nests; 16 species are common to animals and their nests). Hematophages prevail on small animals (99,7% of the total), and free-living species of lelaptids – in the nests (55,4% of the total). However, in the nests of the rodents living in the open biotopes, the percentage of parasitic ticks is much higher, than in the nests of woodland rodents.
5 species of lelaptid ticks are associated with insects which are forezants and commensals of coprophagic bugs and bumble-bees.
17 species of lelaptids live in soil and litter. The vertical distribution of lelaptid ticks in soil is highly uneven. The greatest number of ticks inhabit the litter (13 species and 165 specimens). 58 specimens of ticks (12 species) were found in the soil of 0-5 cm, 10 specimens (3 species) in the soil of 5-10 cm, 1 specimen (1 species) in the soil of 10-20 cm.
Key words: mezostigmatic ticks, Laelaptidae family, habitat.


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