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Shiryakova T.A., Burak I.I., Drozdova E.V., Firago A.V., Golovnev I.E., Grigoreva S.V.
The assessment of toxicity and efficiency of electrolysis and electrochemically activated solutions for sewage disinfection
Education establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University"

The results of the assessment of ecological toxicity of sewage treated with the electrolysis solution of sodium hypochlorite and the electrochemically activated solution of neutral anolyte are presented in this article. Biotesting was conducted with the usage of a number of tests consisting of water organisms of various organization levels: water-plant Chlorella vulgaris, crustacea Daphnia magnа (Cladocera) and bacterial luminescent test. The conducted experimental researches, regulated by operating sanitary norms and rules, testify to the absence of ecological toxicity of the offered methods of treatment. The necessity of biotesting for the assessment of ecological safety of sewage disinfection has been shown. The results of efficiency of sewage disinfection with the electrolysis and electrochemically activated solutions in accordance with bacteriological indices have been presented. The determination of residual (general, free and bound) chlorine in sewage after disinfection with the electrolysis and electrochemically activated solutions has been performed. The analysis of sewage chlorine absorptivity on disinfection of sewage with neutral anolyte and sodium hypochlorite has been made. It has been noticed, that traditionally applied methods of sewage disinfection (chlorination, ozonizing, ultraviolet disinfection) have essential drawbacks. Neutral anolyte and sodium hypochlorite combine positive properties of the known oxidants - chlorine, ultraviolet and ozone and eliminate negative moments intrinsic to each of them taken separately, i.e. the formation of by-products of chlorination and ozonizing is excluded. The solutions in question possess high bactericidal, virucidal, sporocidal, fungicidal properties, and also low corrosion and destructive activity in relation to products from various materials.
Key words: anolyte, sodium hypochlorite, safety, efficiency.


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