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Saturskaya A.S.
The peculiarities of trimetazidine cardioprotective effect in experimental cardiosclerosis in rats with different degree of sensitivity to hypoxia
I.Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine

The article presents the results of an experimental study which investigates the peculiar changes of lipid peroxidation indices, conjugated dienes and malon-dialdehydes (MDA) in particular, caused by the use of trimetazidine in case of diffuse cardiosclerosis development in rats with different resistance to hypoxia. Researches were conducted on 192 white male rats which were divided into experimental groups on the basis of their different resistance to exogenous hypobaric hypoxia. The experimental model of diffuse ischemic necrotic cardiosclerosis (DINC) was simulated. For the correction of metabolic disorders on the DINC simulation, the aqueous suspension of trimetazidine (10 mg/kg) was administered intragastrally once a day during the whole period of observation. Experimentally it has been proved that, in case of diffuse ischemic necrotic cardiosclerosis development the concentration of lipid peroxidation products in the myocardium of rats receiving metabolic therapy with trimetazidine increases less rapidly than without this correction at all stages of the modelled pathology (7, 14, 30 days of DINC). It has been revealed that the most pronounced therapeutic effect is observed in animals with low resistance to hypoxia, slightly less pronounced – in animals with medium resistance to hypoxia, and the lowest one – in animals with high resistance to hypoxia. This pattern was observed at all stages of observation, but it was most clearly marked in the early period of  cardiosclerotic process, indicating the feasibility of early use of metabolic therapy.  It also explains the absence of cardioprotective effect of trimetazidine at the later stages of cardiosclerosis, when the myocardial fibrosis is already formed. Different efficacy of metabolic therapy on modelling cardiosclerotic process in animals with different resistance to hypoxia confirms antihypoxic and antioxidant effects of trimetazidine.
Key words: hypoxia, heart, lipid peroxidation, diffuse cardiosclerosis, trimetazidine.


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