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Ivanova S.V.
Proteolysis system parameters of synovial fluid as diagnostic markers of some forms of arthrites
Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Republic of Belarus

In this article the analysis of certain parameters of proteolysis system of synovial fluid in patients with rheumatoid, reactive and  psoriatic arthrites and their diagnostic value has been made. It has been experimentally determined that in synovial fluid the lowest level of  1-antiproteinase inhibitor content was observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It has also been established, that the level of I1-antiproteinase inhibitor content in synovial fluid less than 0,41 g/l can be used as a diagnostic sign of rheumatoid arthritis. The lowest value of proteolysis index in synovial fluid was observed in the group of patients with psoriatic arthritis. The determination of proteolysis index in synovial fluid proved to be effective for the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis: values of the given parameter less than 1,80 were a diagnostic marker of psoriatic arthritis. The scheme of using blood serum fluorescence and proteolysis activity parameters of synovial fluid for the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid, reactive and  psoriatic arthrites in combination with traditional laboratory methods has been suggested.
Key words: proteolysis, synovial fluid, diagnostic value.


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