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Saturskaya A.S.
Change of tumor necrosis factor-alpha concentration on modelling diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia
Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Y. Gorbachev, the Ukraine

The article presents the analysis of the results of an experimental study of the changes of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-T) concentration in the blood serum in the development of diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia. The experiments were conducted on 96 experimental white male rats which were divided into experimental groups with different resistance to exogenous hypobaric hypoxia. The experimental model of diffuse cardiosclerosis (DCS) was simulated. Experimentally it has been proved that, in the development of DCS, TNF-T concentration in the blood serum of animals increases significantly after 7 days of modelling. TNF-T concentration in the blood serum is maintained at a high level throughout the next stages of observation: 14 days and 30 days of DCS. The study has shown that the intensity of TNF-T concentration increase in the blood serum of animals in the groups with different resistance to hypoxia varies: it is the greatest in animals with low resistance to hypoxia and the lowest in animals with high resistance to hypoxia. This pattern is observed at all stages of observation, being most clearly marked in the early period of cardiosclerotic process. The data obtained have been analyzed with the use of the latest scientific achievements in the given field.
Key words: hypoxia, diffuse cardiosclerosis, tumor necrosis factor-alpha.


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