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Kuritsyn A.V.*, Kutsevlyak V.I.**
Stomatological rehabilitation of patients with the use of dental implants under complicated anatomical conditions. Surgical aspects
*Kharkiv National Medical University, the Ukraine
**Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, the Ukraine

In the last 20 years the problem of dentition defects replacement with orthopedic constructions based on dental implants has enabled the identification of a new trend in dentistry - dental implantation, which is nowadays actively being developed and has occupied a worthy place in practical dentistry. The development of dental implantation finds newer and newer solutions of complex clinical problems.
When planning dental implantation with the use of cone-beam computer tomography dentist-implantologist  is often faced with difficult anatomical conditions expressed in an insufficient amount of bone tissue of implant field. Traditionally the question concerning the sufficiency of bone tissue volume is solved by osteoplastic measures. In comparison with the operations of bone tissue reconstruction the use of short, narrow implants and implant placement at different angles by evading the important anatomical structures enables the reduction of treatment time, surgical volume and treatment cost.
Objectives. To improve the provision of orthopedic dental care to patients under difficult anatomical conditions with the use of screw dental implants of various length, diameter and сentral axis angle with respect to the vertical axis of the prosthetic restoration by means of cone-beam computer tomography. Comparative clinical analysis, X-ray control and biomechanical studies showed no significant difference between the quality of treatment of patients in the control and main groups. Thus the use of unaxial loading with the use of angled abutments in a number of clinical situations under difficult anatomical conditions is indicated and justified. The implantation by evading the important anatomical structures with the use of angled abutments, the use of short and narrow implants on the limited amount of bone tissue has some advantages in comparison with the use of osteoplastic surgery according to the rehabilitation terms, the invasiveness and cost of treatment and is recommended for wide application to dental practice.
Key words: dental implant, cone-beam computer tomography, short implant, narrow implant, angled abutment.


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