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Fleryanovich M.S., Pokhodenko-Chudakova I.O., Kolb E.L.
Morphology of purulent wounds in experimental animals with the model of a boil in the submandibular region
Education Establishment "Belarusian State Medical University", Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To determine the morphological characteristics of the purulent wounds in experimental animals with the model of a boil in the head and neck region.
Material and methods. We examined 14 guinea-pigs with the experimental model of a boil in the submandibular area. The boil was formed during 3 days, afterwards the animals were divided into two series, 7 animals in each. The animals of the first series were given no treatment. The animals of the second series underwent on the 3rd day of the disease primary surgical treatment of suppurative focus with the obligatory wound drainage under the local anesthesia. In the postoperative period the antibacterial therapy, daily dressings with the change of drainages and instillation of the wound with antiseptic solutions were provided. During the primary surgical treatment of the suppurative focus we took the soft tissues sites for histopathological study in the following terms: on the 3rd, 7th and 14th days. The specimens were examined using a light microscope.
Results. On the 3rd day after the experimental boil development throughout all layers of the dermis we determined inflammatory infiltrate without clear boundaries with a predominance of segmented leukocytes in the center. The focuses of necrosis and diapedetic hemorrhages were revealed. On the 7th day in the papillary layer of the dermis the accumulation of a large number of segmented leukocytes surrounded by the connective tissue tunic was found. On the 14th day the diffuse mononuclear cell infiltration of all layers of the skin appeared, that morphologically testified to the productive inflammation.
Conclusions. The obtained results prove that the experimental furuncle in the submandibular region corresponds to the actual course of the disease in vivo.
Key words: boil, submandibular region, morphological characteristic, experiment.


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