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Lollini V.A.*, Naumenko A.A.**, Lollini S.V.***
Processes and factors involved in the rheographic curve formation
*Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Republic of Belarus
**Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Technological University", Republic of Belarus
***Education Establishment "Vitebsk State University Named after P.M. Masherov", Republic of Belarus

Rheography method strongly entrenched in a store of means to assess the functional state of the heart and various vascular areas of the body is widely used in clinical and experimental practice because it is easy in use and not invasive. However, the techniques and ways of the obtained results analysis are non-standard and very diverse. In our opinion, it is due to the employment of incorrect premises of the assessment of those processes and factors which form the basis of this method.
The purpose of this study was to determine (on the ground of dimensional analysis) the minimum number and relationship of factors involved in the rheographic curve formation. Using Buckingham theorem and  -theorem we have proved that the origin of this curve can be explained by the following factors: the resistivity of blood, its existent mass, the rate of volume change, the viscosity of blood, vessels diameter. Excluding any of these factors makes it impossible to formulate an equation describing the rheogram. The most significant impact on the value of the rheographic signal is exerted by the diameter of blood vessels and blood viscosity, it being of great diagnostic importance. In the rheographic process the unity of research method characteristics, the process under study and the conditions of its proceeding is observed.
Key words: rheography, methods of analysis.


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