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Konevalova N.Y., Shchupakova A.N.
The peculiarities of immune and lipidtransport systems functioning in patients with atherosclerosis of abdominal aorta and its unpaired visceral branches
Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Republic of Belarus

The peculiarities of immune and lipidtransport systems functioning in 100 patients with atherosclerosis of abdominal aorta and its unpaired visceral branches, clinical manifestation of which was chronic abdominal ischemia, have been studied.
The interrelation of the functioning of the immune system and lipidtransport system in patients with chronic abdominal ischemia caused by atherosclerosis has been determined. It is manifested in the peculiarities of cellular, non-specific humoral links of immunity in different types of dyslipidemia.
There is a direct correlation dependence between the total cholesterol content of blood serum and the number of total T-lymphocytes, CD4 cells, CD8 cells, LDL cholesterol and the quantity of total T-lymphocytes, CD4 cells, CD8 cells and a negative correlation dependence between the content of total cholesterol and phagocytic number. The given tendency remains in persons with the large and small content of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in blood serum. The decreased intensity of absorbing activity of neutrophiles has been found that manifests itself in the reduction of phagocytic index and the increase of phagocytic killing; this may testify to the presence of chronic persistent infection in patients with atherosclerosis of abdominal arteries, clinical manifestation of which is chronic abdominal ischemia..
Key words: immunity, lipidtransport system, atherosclerosis, chronic abdominal ischemia.


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