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S.D. Fedyanin, V.E. Shilin
The determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of dioxydin for the leading causative agents of surgical infections
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

The aim of the study was to examine the MIC, MIC50 and MIC90 of dioxydin for the leading causative agents of surgical infections. The research was conducted on 77 strains, isolated from the in-patients’ purulent wounds of different localizations. We used standard bacteriological methods in our work. The identification of microorganisms was carried out using test-systems on biochemical analyzer ATB Expression of the company «bioMerieux». For the identification the following strips were used: ID 32 STAPH, ID 32 E, ID 32 GN. To determine dioxydin MIC serial dilution method was applied. MIC50 and MIC90 were determined by the method that was developed by us with the help of the graphic model. We singled out 27 microorganisms (35,06%) of the genus Staphylococcus, 25 strains (32,47%) of the family Enterobacteriaceae, 25 strains (32,47%) of the non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli. MIC of staphylococcal strains ranged from 31,25 to 125 µg/ml, Enterobacteriaceae from 31,25 to 125 µg/ml, non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli from 62,5 to 125 µg/ml. MIC50 of staphylococci strains was 83,33 µg/ml, enterobacteria – 37,5 µg/ml, non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli – 57,5 µg/ml. MIC50 of all strains of leading pathogens in surgery made up 58,34 µg/ml. MIC90 of staphylococci strains was 120,75 µg/ml, enterobacteria – 78,125 µg/ml, non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli – 112,5 µg/ml. MIC90 of all strains of leading pathogens in surgery equalled 106,25 µg/ml. The obtained results testify to the high activity of dioxydin at the present time in relation to major causative agents of surgical infections in our region. It is highly advisable to use antimicrobial drug dioxydin for local treatment of purulent wounds in the first phase of wound healing process.
Key words: dioxydin, MIC, MIC50, MIC90, surgical infections.


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