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Yuris O.V.
The disturbance of occlusal relationships among the population of the Republic of Belarus and risk factors determining the problem of occlusion
State Educational Establishment «Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2015;14(6):112-119.

In this article the incidence of occlusive disorders among the population of the Republic of Belarus, the need for  occlusal relationships correction are discussed. We analyzed the data obtained in the course of the epidemiological survey of the adult population of the Republic of Belarus conducted by the staff of General Stomatology Department of Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education in 2010. The determination of dental and periodontal status enabled us to establish the prevalence and severity of dental diseases and the occlusal status determination - the extent and structure of the occlusal disorders, as well as to establish interconnections. The study showed a high prevalence of occlusal relationships disorders (90,78±1,3% of cases), there being a trend towards an increase in the frequency of occlusion disturbance occurrence with age (after 30 years). The occlusal disorders manifestation is most pronounced in the socially significant group of the population and testifies to the level of disease prevalence. Among the surveyed cohort, having some signs of temporomandibular joint pathology, dentomaxillary anomalies, abfractional defects the prevalence of occlusal disorders was 91,56±3,05%, 91,76±2,03% and 88,0±2,65%, respectively.
Key words: occlusion, occlusal disorders, prevalence, epidemiology, abfractional defects.


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