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Kravchenko N.A., Pashinskaya E.S., Pobyarzhin V.V., Kuzhel D.K.
The peculiarities of balantidia parasitism in humans and animals (literature review)
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2015;14(6):15-24.

Balantidia exert a negative effect on the body, contributing to the development of erosions and ulcers of the colon. It is noted that during the lingering course balantidiasis leads to general intoxication and peritonitis. The appendix is often involved in the pathological process with the development of acute appendicitis. This parasite can invade the lungs through the abdominal cavity and the diaphragm, causing pneumonia. Balantidia metabolites have been shown to enter the portal vein and the liver. As a result, in the cells of the liver fatty infiltration and granular degeneration develop, this leading to impaired carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis, deposition of mineral substances, neutralization of toxic products. Absorption into the blood of toxic substances, products of tissue elements disintegration results in general intoxication, degenerative changes in the kidneys, myocardium, central nervous system.
Balantidiasis occurs in all age groups, children are not an exception. This infestation in them is acute, with the transition to chronic-relapsing course. In patients with weakened immunity balantidiasis is accompanied by anemia, decreased body weight, impaired water-salt metabolism, dehydration, and symptoms of intoxication. Without treatment the outcome of its acute period in children of an early age can be lethal.
Key words: Balantidium, pig, human being, morphology, pathogenesis, clinical picture.


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