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Zanko S.N., Nadirashvili T.D.
The evaluation of the prognosis of gestosis and placental disturbances development in pregnant women with arterial hypertension
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(1):70-76.

The aim of the present study was to develop the optimal tactics of pregnancy management in accordance with possible prognosis of gestation outcome. All in all 109 women were examined. The main group consisted of 62 pregnant women with arterial hypertension (AH), the control group included 47 practically healthy pregnant women without hypertension. In this study placental insufficiency and/or preeclampsia were regarded as complications of pregnancy. Ultrasound investigation of the heart, 24-hour monitoring of arterial blood pressure were perfomed, lipidperoxidation indices and those of antioxidant activity in blood serum were determined in all cases in  the 1st and the 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. It has been shown that preeclampsia and/or fetoplacental insufficiency were significantly more frequent in the main group (p=0,02). The prognosis of pregnancy outcome in patients with mild arterial hypertension in the 1st and the 2nd trimesters was perfomed by means of discriminant analysis. The total percentage of correct classification made up 72,7% in the 1st trimester and 76,6% in the 2nd one that testifies to good separatory power of this model for making pregnancy prognosis. On the basis of the obtained data pregnancy management tactics for women with arterial hypertension has been elaborated and scientifically grounded in accordance with prognosis of preeclampsia and/or fetoplacental insufficiency development in women with this pathology in the 1st and the 2nd trimesters of gestation.
Key words: arterial hypertension, pregnancy, preeclampsia, fetoplacental insufficiency, prognosis.


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