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Kolchanova N.E., Okulich V.K., Denisenko A.G.
The level of beta-1-defensin, bapna-amidase and elastase activity in the saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(2):102-109.

In modern concepts of the pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases considerable attention is paid to the endogenous antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and proteolytic enzymes, which are an important component of the innate immunity, providing protection against pathogens.
The purpose of the research is to determine the level of beta-1-defensin, BAPNA-amidase and elastase activity in the saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis and its correlation with the periodontological status.
Material and methods. Complex examination of 89 patients with chronic periodontitis and 25 practically healthy people was done. On a visit day (sample 1) prior to carrying out treatment measures and after completed treatment (sample 2) one hour before meals the saliva was taken into sterile test tubes.
Results. It has been established that during the development of chronic periodontitis the level of beta-1-defensin increases, and BAPNA-amidase and elastase activity in the saliva also increases with regard to the indices of healthy individuals. By the end of the treatment the level of BAPNA-amidase and elastase activity reduces up to the value of donors.
Conclusions. As a result of studying elastase activity in the saliva we have developed a non-invasive method enabling the assessment of the severity of chronic periodontitis course and the effectiveness of the provided treatment.
Key words: BAPNA-amidase and elastase activity, saliva, chronic periodontitis, beta-1-defensin.


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