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Ganusevich O.N.1, Nesterovich T.N.1, Achinovich S.L.2, Fedorkevich I.V.2
The evaluation of pathomorphosis after neoadjuvant therapy of breast cancer
1Gomel State Medical University, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
2Gomel Regional Oncologic Dispensary, Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2019;18(3):61-67.

Objectives. To systematize the available data on the therapeutic pathomorphosis of breast cancer after neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NAST).
Material and methods. Russian- and English-speaking sources most fully covering this problem were analyzed and a registration card of a patient with breast cancer (BC) after the provided NAST was introduced into practice.
Results. Considering the increasing role of NAST in the treatment of patients with BC, it seems urgent to assess properly its effect. Currently, there are many systems for assessing therapeutic pathomorphosis. The most optimal system in the world is the Residual Cancer Burden (RCB) system. The application of this system was begun in the Gomel Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary (GRCOD) in 2018. The use of this system is impossible without close co-operation of the clinical and morphological services. A histologist must fully possess the information about the primary tumor, the state of the regional lymph nodes, the given NAST. For the convenience of information transfer, we have introduced into practice the registration card of a BC patient after the provided NAST.
Conclusions. The evaluation of therapeutic pathomorphosis of breast cancer helps to assess the effectiveness of treatment and is an important prognostic factor.
Key words: breast cancer, neoadjuvant therapy, therapeutic pathomorphosis.


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Information about authors:
Ganusevich O.N. – lecturer of the Chair of Oncology, Gomel State Medical University,
Nesterovich T.N. – lecturer of the Chair of Oncology, Gomel State Medical University,
Achinovich S.L. – head of the pathoanatomical department, Gomel Regional Oncologic Dispensary,
Fedorkevich I.V. – head of the oncologic department of general oncology and rehabilitation, Gomel Regional Oncologic Dispensary,

Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 246012, Gomel, 2 Meditsinskaya str., Gomel State Medical University, Chair of Oncology. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Tatyana N. Nesterovich.

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