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Dudko V.A., Subotsina K.A., Politov I.V., Lipnitski A.L., Kulik A.S., Marochkov A.V.
The dynamics of the content of C-reactive protein in blood serum during anesthetic management of surgical interventions
Mogilev Regional Hospital, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2020;19(1):59-65.

The assessment of surgical interventions traumatism today is made on the basis of indirect evidence. In this study it seems to us expedient to evaluate traumatism criteria of the operations with the help of the C-reactive protein (CRP) analysis in blood serum.
Objectives. To determine the possibility of using the dynamics of CRP content in the blood sera of patients as a quantitative criterion of the adequacy of the anesthetic management of two high-tech surgeries – open heart surgery and total knee arthroplasty.
Material and methods. A prospective nonrandomized study involved 86 patients. The patients’ age ranged from 39 to 82 years (64 (59; 69)). Successful surgical interventions were performed in all patients: total knee arthroplasty – in 42 of them, open heart operations under conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) – in 44 patients. All patients received effective anesthesia. The CRP level control was exercised at 3 stages of the study: stage 1 – before surgery; stage 2 – 20-24 hours after surgery; stage 3 – 68-72 hours after surgery. The data obtained were statistically processed using nonparametric analysis methods.
Results. At the first stage of the study, the CRP level in all patients equalled 2.60 (0.58; 5.78) mg/l; at the second stage (20-24 hours after surgery) a significant increase in the CRP level was observed – 52.33 (34.18; 75.83) mg/l (р<0.001). At the third stage (68-72 hours after surgery) the CRP level significantly increased compared to stage 1 and stage 2 – 71.28 (43.50; 123.22) mg/l (р<0.001).
Conclusions. The dynamics of CRP content during elective surgical interventions can be used as a biochemical criterion of surgical traumatism.
Key words: C-reactive protein, traumatism criteria, cardiac surgery, total knee arthroplasty.


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Information about authors:
Dudko V.A. – head of the anesthesiology & resuscitation department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Mogilev Regional Hospital;
Subotsina K.A. – intern, the anesthesiology & resuscitation department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Mogilev Regional Hospital;
Politov I.V. – anesthesiologist-resuscitator, the anesthesiology & resuscitation department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Mogilev Regional Hospital;  
Lipnitski A.L. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the department for taking organs and tissues for transplantation, Mogilev Regional Hospital,
Kulik A.S. – head of the cardiac surgery department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Mogilev Regional Hospital;
Marochkov A.V. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, the anesthesiology & resuscitation department, Mogilev Regional Hospital,

Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 212026, Mogilev, 12 Belynitsky-Birula str., Mogilev Regional Hospital, the anesthesiology & resuscitation department of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Vladimir A. Dudko.

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