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Krylov E.Y., Lesnichaya O.V., Kruglova M.S.
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of immunohisto-chemical diagnosing of HER2-status and target therapy in breast cancer

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of HER2 expression in breast cancer in different age groups and estimation of the cost of reagents for immunohistochemical diagnosis of HER2 and medicines for subsequent target therapy with herceptin. The conducted study has shown that the high cost of target therapy with herceptin in patients suffering from breast cancer covers HER2 screening expenses.  Immunohistochemical diagnosis cost minimization can be achieved by exclusion from the screening of patients with apparent contraindications for the administration of this drug.
Key words: breast cancer, immunohistochemical diagnosing, target therapy, cost of reagents and target therapy.

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