Rules for the authors
Journal Sections
The journal “Vitebsk Medical Jornal” publishes articles in Russian and English on the following scientific branches:
- medical;
- biological (biomedical aspects);
- pharmaceutical;
- psychology and pedagogics.
Out of turn, the scientific articles of post-graduate students of the last year of study are published (including the articles prepared by them in co-authorship), provided they fully meet the requirements for scientific publications of the journal.
Requirements for the Manuscript
The manuscript is accepted together with the Public offer contract, cover letter and the letter of referral from the institution in which the work was performed. The article should:
1. Correspond to the profile of the journal and present the results of theoretical and / or experimental research by the authors.
2. Be original. The editors of the journal will check the originality of the manuscript using the "Antiplagiarism" system.
3. Be drawn up according to the requirements set forth below.
Sending to the editorial board previously published or accepted for publication in other editions manuscripts is not allowed. In case of simultaneous submission of the manuscript to several editions the published article will be retracted (withdrawn from the publishing).
Sending the Manuscript and Accompanying Documents
1. Manuscripts are sent to the editorial office by regular post or electronic mail along with the public offer contract, the letter of referral and the cover letter. In case the manuscript is sent by regular post, its text and graphic files must be submitted electronically on any electronic media. In case the manuscript is sent by electronic mail then all the accompanying documents can be submitted in a scanned format.
2. The letter of referral of the institution or the stamp of approval of the head - the authors present the following information:
- on the presence or absence of a conflict of interests;
- about the source of research support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs;
- about the presence of the sponsor and its role in determining the structure of the research, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the description of the research;
When sending articles containing the results of thesis research, the editorial staff must be necessarily informed about it.
3. The cover letter (with the signatures of all the authors) confirming the facts that the manuscript has not been published before, is not currently in the editorial office of any other journal.
The letter also reflects the contribution of each author in the creation of the article. The article must include photocopies of copyright certificates, patents, certificates for the proposal. The permissions granted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of Health of the CIS countries) on new methods of treatment, new medicinal preparations and equipment (diagnostic and therapeutic) must be photocopied.
4. The manuscripts that do not comply with the rules are not accepted by the editorial board, the authors are informed about it in this case. Correspondence with the authors is carried out by e-mail.
Rules of Drawing up the Articles
The article should be thoroughly edited and verified. The manuscript should be approved by all the authors. This means that the authors are responsible for the correctness of the data given. In exceptional cases, to assess the reliability of the results, the editorial staff can request copies of the documents confirming the materials provided.
The volume of a full-length original article must be at least 14,000 typographical units, including spaces between words, punctuation marks, numbers, etc.
When preparing the text of an article on a computer, you must use the Microsoft Word program. Field sizes: from above -2 cm; from below - 2 cm; on the left - 2 cm; on the right - 2 cm. The manuscript is printed through a double interval with highlighted bold headings and subheadings. All pages starting with the title page must be sequentially numbered.
Only generally accepted symbols and abbreviations should be used in the article. If it is necessary to use them, the abbreviation in the text should be deciphered at the first mentioning (this is also applied to the summary). Abbreviations in the title can only be used when it is absolutely necessary. All quantities are expressed in units of the International System (SI). Only international generic names of drugs are used.
Structure of the manuscript
The manuscript should include the following parts:
1. Title section
2. Structured summary and key words in Russian and English
3. Introduction
4. Material and methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. References
9. Figures and tables
1. The title section should contain the following:
- The title of the article should be as short as possible, informative and specify the title of the article.
- Surname and initials of the author (authors) - when writing the names of the authors, the surname should be written after the initials of the name and patronymic.
- The official name of the institutions where the work was done.
- The information about the authors - the full names, names, patronymics of the authors, academic degrees and titles, positions, place of work (name of the institution, chair, department), ORCID (if any) are indicated in full. All persons designated as authors should comply with the criteria of this concept (see ICJME recommendations).
- The correspondence address - the postal address of the place of work or home address, phone numbers, e-mail address of the author with whom the editorial correspondence should be conducted are given. The correspondence address is published together with the article.
- Acknowledgments - the authors can thank the people or organizations that contributed to the publication of the manuscript in the journal but who are not its authors (scientific guidance or consultation, research critical analysis, data collection, financing, technical and linguistic editing, supplying of patients and their treatment, provided data, including drawings, etc.). A good tone is the expression of gratitude to the anonymous reviewers.
- The information on the source of support in the form of grants, equipment, medicines: the source of funding for both scientific work and the publication process of the article (fund, commercial or state organization, private person, etc.) is indicated.
- Presence / absence of conflict of interests. The most common cause of conflict of interests is financial relations. There are other possible reasons: personal relationships, scientific rivalry.
- The number of figures and tables. If the number of figures and tables is not indicated on the title page, the editors and reviewers may find it difficult to determine whether all the figures and tables that should accompany the manuscript were included in it.
2. The structured summary of the original scientific article should accurately reflect the content of the article and be suitable for publication separately from it, contain key words that allow indexing this article.
The summary should include the sections "Objective", "Material and methods", "Results", "Conclusion", "Key words" (at least 6) and "Sources of financing" and be presented in two languages: Russian and English. The summary should be about 200-250 words.
Summaries of other types of articles (short reports, reviews, cases from practice) are not structured, their volume should be at least 100-150 words.
The summary in English must include the names and initials of the authors in English. Summaries of articles, keywords in Russian and English, information about authors, as well as article bibliographic lists are posted on the journal's website and sent to the electronic information bases for indexing.
3. The "Introduction" section of the article describes the state of the problem under study and its relevance. The objective of the study or hypothesis, verified by research or observation is specified and, if necessary, its relationship with important scientific and practical trends is indicated. The analysis of the sources used while writing the scientific article should indicate the knowledge of the author (authors) of the article of scientific achievements in the relevant field. References to the work of other authors are required. At the same time there should be references to recent publications, including foreign publications in this field.
4. The section "Material and methods" should contain a detailed description of the objects of research, description of the methods used, equipment, diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. The research methods should be provided with references.
While describing experiments conducted on humans, the authors should indicate whether the procedure was consistent with the ethical standards of the local and national committee responsible for experiments on humans, as well as the requirements of the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki. When describing experiments on animals, the authors should indicate whether they acted in accordance with local and national requirements for the use and handling of laboratory animals.
5. The "Results" section should contain detailed information concerning the contents of the research and its results, which should be demonstrated, using the figures and tables as much as possible. It is important that the illustrated information does not duplicate the information already mentioned in the text. If necessary, the section can be divided into sub-sections (with explanatory subtitles).
The results presented in the article should be compared with previous works in this field both by the author and by other researchers. Such a comparison will additionally reveal the novelty of the work done, give it objectivity.
The formulas, equations and footnotes found in the article must be numbered according to the citation order in the text.
6. In the "Discussion" section, the results obtained should be discussed from the point of view of their scientific novelty and compared with the corresponding known data.
7. Conclusion. The conclusions should be clearly formulated and the main obtained results with the emphasis on their novelty, advantages and possibilities of application should be briefly presented. Conclusions should be compared with the research objectives.
8. References are drawn up in accordance with All-Union State Standard - 7.1-2003. References are numbered according to the citation order in the text. Order reference numbers should be written inside square brackets, for example: [1, 2].
In original articles it is desirable to quote no more than 15 sources, in the references reviews - no more than 50. It is advisable to quote sources published during the last 5-7 years. The references to abstracts of thesis or theses themselves are not allowed in the article, because they are considered manuscripts. References to abstracts and articles in small-circulation regional collections can be used only in case of emergency.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references, and the accuracy of quoting the original sources.
In order to minimize the incompleteness or inaccuracy of information in the cited lists of references the editorial staff check all the references and draw up References in Vancouver format.
9. Tables, illustrations and figures should be typed in a separate file, after one interval, and have a title and footnotes (if necessary). Make sure that each table and figure is quoted in the text. There should be no abbreviations in the names of tables and figures. Directly in the tables (in the headings of the lines or columns) or in their name, it is indicated which statistical indicators are given.
The format of the figure can be TIFF, JPEG, CDR; resolution not less than 300 dpi. Diagrams executed in the MS Excel application must be submitted in the .xls format that allows performing their pre-printed preparation. Diagrams are printed using monochrome printing, so when designing them, it is preferable to use patterned fill of objects and different character of lines.
Manuscripts of scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal are registered, undergo initial examination, are checked by the “Anti-Plagiarism” system and pass through the reviewing.