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Kolbasova E.A. Kiseleva N.I., Doroshenko E.M., Kurbat M.N., Novogrodskaya Y.I.
The content of free amino acids in blood sera of women with surgical and natural menopause

Abstract. The aim of our study was to characterize the pool of free amino acids in blood sera of women with surgical and natural menopause and to establish the most significant factors causing the amino acid imbalance. We examined 72 women, including 33 with surgical menopause (I group), 23 with natural menopause (II group), 16 at the late reproductive and premenopausal age (control group). Women with surgical and natural menopause were found to develop an amino acid deficiency. Changes in the pool of free amino acids in postmenopausal women are pathogenetically linked with the type of menopause, as evidenced by statistically significant lower levels of dicarboxilic, aromatic, sulfur-containing amino acids in the sera of women with surgical menopause compared to women with natural menopause.
Key words: natural and surgical menopause, free amino acids.

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