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Kalinichenko Y.A., Mirchuk B.N.
The disturbances of adaptation and local resistance in adolescents with dentognathic anomalies accompanied by concomitant pathology of upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract at the stage of orthodontic treatment

Abstract. The aim of the research was to study the disturbances of adaptation and local resistance in teen-agers with dentognathic anomalies and the pathology of the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract during the period of orthodontic treatment. The simple and available methods were proposed for evaluating the protective reserves during the whole course of treatment. The results obtained allowed to distinguish critical periods in orthodontic treatment when there is a necessity to carry out treatment-and-prophylactic measures.
Key words: adaptation, local resistance, dentognathic anomalies, gastrointestinal tract, adolescents.

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