Lud N.G., Vasilenko N.I., Nebylitsin Y.S., Milantyeva A.V., Milantyeva Y.V.
To be happy with the happiness of others. Siparov Iosif Nikitich (to the 90-th anniversary)
The article is devoted to life and activity of the famous surgeon, doctor of medical science, professor, honoured worker of the higher school of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Siparov Iosif Nikitich. During the Great Patriotic War years he participated in the partisan movement in Polotsk–Lepel and Ushachi zones of Byelorussia; together with the troops of the first Baltic and the second Byelorussian fronts he liberated Byelorussia, Baltic countries, Poland, Germany.
He graduated from Vitebsk State Medical Institute in 1952. He is the author of 72 scientific works, monographs, inventions and rationalisation suggestions. His record of work covers more than 30 years from the position of a teacher to the head of the chair in VSMI.
Key words: Siparov Iosif Nikitich, surgery, Vitebsk State Medical Institute.