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Gusakova E.A., Gorodetskaya I.V.
The effect of the alteration in the thyroid status on the microscopic changes of rats’ liver structure under stress

In the experiments on 130 mongrel white male rats weighing 220–250 g it has been established that «free swimming in a cage» (FSC) stress (5 animals were placed in standard plastic cages filled with water up to the level of 15 cm and closed with a net) for an hour influences the histological structure of the liver: at the alarm stage of stress reaction (an hour after FSC) it causes dystrophic changes of hepatocytes and increased blood flow in the liver lobules, which continue at  the resistance stage as well (48 hours after FSC); at the exhaustion stage (FSC within 10 days) it causes greater dystrophy of hepatocytes, the occurrence of necrosis in them and microcirculatory disturbances in the lobules. The introduction of mercazolil (intragastrically in the doses 25 mg/kg during 20 days) per se alters the histostructure of the liver tissue, at the alarm- and resistance stages of stress reaction it determines more pronounced dystrophy of hepatocytes and microcirculatory disturbances in the lobules, and is accompanied by necrosis of hepatocytes, at the exhaustion stage of stress reaction it aggravates all mentioned disturbances. Small doses of L-thyroxin (intragastrically in the doses 1,5–3,0 µg/kg during 28 days) per se do not influence hepatic microstructure, at the alarm- and resistance stages they nullify dystrophic changes of hepatocytes and microcirculatory disturbances in the liver caused by FSC and at the exhaustion stage minimize them and prevent necrosis of hepatocytes. Thus, iodine-containing thyroid hormones limit microscopic structure changes of the liver caused by stress, this testifies to the possible use of their «small» doses with the purpose of limiting stress-induced damage of the liver.
Key words: stress, liver, iodine-containing thyroid hormones.

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