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Kuzhel D.K., Bekish V.Y., Semenov V.M., Zhmakin D.A., Bekish L.E., Mitsura V.M., Zorina V.V.
The elaboration of the combined method of human opisthorchiasis treatment

Оpisthorchis felineus invasion in human beings is accompanied by genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in peripheric blood lymphocytes of patients which are characterized by the growth in the quantity of damaged nuclear DNA up to 5,16% and apoptotic cells up to 3,4%. DNA comet method was applied to evaluate geno- and cytotoxic influence of opisthorchis on the human body. Monotherapy with praziquantel for opisthorchiasis treatment decreases the genotoxic effect in lymphocytes of patients’ blood but these values are reliably higher than the indicators of blood donors. Monotherapy with praziquantel does not change the high level of apoptotic cells. Monotherapy with praziquantel alone does not decrease genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in lymphocytes of patients’ blood and for elimination of invasion symptoms in 50% of cases the repeated using of antihelminthic drugs is needed. The treatment of opisthorchiasis with praziquantel and ibuprofen eliminates the genotoxic effect of the invasion but does not decrease its cytotoxic effect. In 20% of patients clinical laboratory indicators of the disease are observed and opisthorchis eggs are found in faeses that requires the repeated antihelminthic drugs treatment. The combined treatment of opisthorchiasis with praziquantel, ibuprofen and a complex of vitamins with Se leads to full elimination of clinical and laboratory symptoms of invasion, does not need repeated using of antihelminthic drugs, effectively protects patients’ genome with opisthorchiasis because it results in the decrease of high levels of DNA primary damages and apoptotic cells up to the levels of blood donors.
Key words: opisthorchiasis, combined treatment, genotoxic, cytotoxic effects.

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