Protsenko O.A.
Clinical cases of classic and epidemic Kaposi’s sarcoma
Objectives. To make a comparative analysis of clinical and imaging data of classic and epidemic (HIV-associated) Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS).
Material and methods. We observed 66 patients suffering from KS, including 32 patients with epidemic or HIV-associated KS aged from 5 to 41 and 24 patients aged from 24 to 62 with classic, non HIV/AIDS-associated KS. All patients underwent general clinical laboratory examination, including syphilis serology tests and, if indicated, mycology testing, sonography of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis organs and thyroid gland; as well as histological investigation. HIV-status was confirmed at the Center for AIDS Control and Prevention. The 3rd and the 4th clinical stages of infection were registered in 12 and 20 patients respectively.
Results. While making a comparative analysis of HIV-associated KS clinical manifestations, the following peculiarities were revealed: frequent onset of dermatosis on the face, ears, neck and oral mucosa; young average age of patients; polymorphic eruption with marked variability of lesion size and morphology; bright colour component of eruption; distinct affection of mucous membranes and distribution of eruption along the skin tension lines; frequent occurrence of ulcerations or pyogenic granulomas; regional lymphadenopathy. Every third patient had fever, general malaise, anorexia and weight loss.
Conclusions. Clinical analysis of peculiar manifestations in different KS forms allows to improve the quality of clinical diagnosing of HIV-infection, manifestations of which imitate various diseases.
Key words: Kaposi’s sarcoma, classic, epidemic, HIV-associated.