Belay I.M., Mikhaylyuk E.O., Parchenko V.V., Panasenko A.I., Knysh E.G.
The influence of 4-amino-5-(furan-2-il)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol on the indices of hepatoprotective activity in alcoholic hepatitis in rats
In the CIS countries the consequences of alcohol-induced hepatitis are getting more and more serious and acute, alcoholism becoming a national epidemic. It is the liver that primarily suffers from the impact of alcoholism both acute and chronic. In this connection the investigation of effective hepatoprotectors in alcoholic hepatitis is of great interest. On the basis of primary pharmacological screening the compound 2.8, which is 4-amino-5-(furan-2-il)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol was selected.
The aim of this work was to research hepatoprotective activity of 4-amino-5-(furan-2-il)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol in alcoholic hepatitis. Its anticytolytic and antioxidant effects in the alcoholic model of hepatitis were studied by us.
As an object of the present research 4-amino-5-(furan-2-il)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol was used, it was created at the department of toxicological and inorganic chemistry of Zaporozhe State Medical University.
Experiments were performed on white rats. The tested substance was administered to rats in a health care mode (parallel with the formation of experimental alcoholic hepatitis). Experimental alcoholic hepatitis was modelled by the introduction of 40% solution of ethanol intragastrically in the dose of 7 ml/kg once a day during a week. The tested compound and comparison medicinal agent thiotriazolin were introduced 1 hour before and 2 hours after the administration of ethanol. After 72 hours blood and liver tissues were taken.
The obtained data showed greater effectiveness of the tested substance compared to the reference drug, i.e. thiotriazolin.
Key words: pharmacologic action, alcoholic hepatitis, triazole derivatives.
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