Eremenko R.F., Kovalev S.V., Maloshtan L.N., Kovalev V.N.
Medicago sativa L. grass extract as a promising corrector of protein metabolism
This article presents the results of the phytochemical and pharmacological studies of protein metabolism potential corrector – extract of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) grass (EGMS). The phytochemical studies revealed that EGMS contains phenolic substances, namely hydroxycinnamic acids: n-coumaric, ferulic, chlorogenic, neochlorogenic; flavonoids: kaempferol, quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, chrysoeriol; isoflavonoids: daidzein, formononetin, genistein and biochanin A. The total content of phenolic compounds in dry EGMS is 10,41±0,43%. The presence of these substances and the previously defined 16 amino acids, including 9 essential ones, in the composition of EGMS justifies the purpose of the pharmacological study - the study of the influence of EGMS compared with potassium orotate on the RNA and DNA content in the liver and gastrocnemius muscle tissues of rats, the organs which most of all need the constant protein balance renovation. It has been found out that EGMS in a dose of 25 mg / kg promotes the increase of the content of DNA and RNA in the liver and gastrocnemius muscle tissues 1,1-2,3 times better than the comparison drug potassium orotate in a dose of 180 mg / kg. The last statement testifies to the ability of EGMS at the expense of the protein components donation (amino acids and protein) and phenolic compounds, known for having antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties, to induce proteinsynthetic processes and correct protein metabolism better than the reference drug potassium orotate.
Key words: alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), the legume family (Fabaceae), proteins, amino acids, phenolic substances, protein metabolism, EGMS, corrector of protein metabolism, DNA and RNA.
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