Menshenina I.А.
Peculiarities of the organization and communicative classification of medical texts
Objectives. To optimize the process of teaching English to students of higher medical educational establishments we need differential approach that enables the segmentation of the material to be studied to make it satisfy communicative needs of students, stimulate their cognitive activity. The aim of the given research is to study lexical, syntactical and grammar organization of medical texts, to analyze this type of texts within the framework of communicative approach, to offer the communicative classification of medical texts and systemize them on the base of genres.
Material and methods. The main methods used in the research were statistical and quantitative analyses. The texts describing anatomy and physiology of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems served as the material of this study. The texts were taken from the English textbooks for medical students, used at the higher medical educational establishments in the Republic of Belarus, Russia and the Ukraine. Medical articles were chosen from the journals «The English Journal of Medicine» and «The Lancet».
Results. The medical text was described within the framework of communicative approach. Communicative classification of medical texts was offered and they were also systemized on the base of genres. Specific features of lexical, syntactical and grammar organization of medical texts were shown.
Conclusions. Our research enables us to study the specific organization of the medical text, highlight the peculiarities of the medical text within the framework of communicative approach that is necessary for optimization of the process of teaching English to students of higher medical educational establishments.
Key words: medical text organization, communicative classification of medical texts, medical text genres, optimization of foreign language teaching.
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