Logvinenko S.M., Pivovar N.V.
Medical and biological museums of Vitebsk: history, modern times, prospects
Medical and biological museums are scientific and educational centers for students and teachers of Vitebsk universities. Work with collections of departmental and academic museums, excursions, in practice study of the theoretical material taught at lectures help students to better acquire knowledge. Museums contribute to the popularization of the achievements of medicine and biology in the society, help in the education of new generations of doctors and medical workers in the best traditions established in the previous historical epochs. The purpose of this article is to investigate medical and biological museums of Vitebsk, to characterize their main collections, to analyze the possibility of their use in the teaching and educational process at higher schools, general secondary-education, specialized secondary-education and professional secondary-education establishments of the city. While working on the article the most important museums collections of medical type have been studied.
Visual methods of getting acquainted with the expositions, interviewing museums directors and collections keepers, analysis of literature sources, work with documents of Vitebsk Regional Record Office as well as with current archives of the educational establishments have been used. The sources of creation and the peculiarities of museums functioning have been studied. The role of the teaching staff in the museums creation and work has been determined.
This article describes the museums expositions, the most interesting exhibits, and gives information about their funds. The history of museums creation is given in brief, too. The article contains also information about 14 medical and biological museums of Vitebsk, shows their role in the educational process, prospects of their future development.
The conclusion is drawn that it is efficient to create a chain of departmental medical and biological museums that may play an important role in the increased quality of training specialists for Belarusian national economy.
Key words: museums, departmental museums, history of medicine, VSMU, anatomy.
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