Telepneva E.Y., Yankovskaya N.N.
The development of hypocholesterolemia in cholesterolopathias
The aim of this study was to investigate by means of conventional methods transport cholesterol status in patients with hypocholesterolemia since ascertainment of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disbalance development in the functioning of the systems of direct and reverse cholesterol transport is the fundamental basis for the elaboration of new ways of metabolic disturbances correction, and therefore the effective ways to treat patients with hypocholesterolemia.
We studied the cholesterol blood profile in the following groups of the examined persons with hypocholesterolemia: healthy subjects (124 persons), 274 patients having survived myocardial infarction, 20 patients with toxic liver damage (medicinal hepatitis due to prolonged administration of aminazine), 56 patients with stomach cancer of the 2nd - 3rd stages.
The blood serum levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, cholesterol of low density, very low density and high density lipoproteins, protein-lipid composition of the major lipoproteins classes, lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase activity, the content of free cholesterol, cholesterol esters levels, atherogenic index were determined.
Statistical data processing was made with the help of program STATISTICA 6.0, for comparison of the studied indices the Mann-Witny test was used.
The research results have shown that the development of myocardial infarction in patients with hypocholesterolemia is accompanied by a marked atherogenic alteration. Hypocholesterolemia in case of toxic liver damage is accompanied by the increase in the cholesterol level of high density lipoproteins owing to the retardation of their catabolism. The reduction of high density lipoprotein cholesterol level in hypocholesterolemia in patients with stomach cancer testifies to a disturbance of cholesterolemia reverse transport in this pathology.
Key words: blood serum cholesterol profile, cholesterol transport, hypocholesterolemia.
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