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Gorodetskaya I.V., Gusakova E.A.
The effect of the thyroid status on the system of proteinases / inhibitors in the dynamics of stress reaction

In the experiments on 182 adult mongrel white male rats weighing 220–250 g the dependence of the changes in the system of proteinases / inhibitors under stress on the levels of iodine-containing thyroid hormones in the blood has been established. Тhe alarm stage of stress reaction (аn hour after the stress modelled by the swimming of rats in a cage during one hour) is characterized by the activation of the thyroid function and is accompanied by the stimulation of the trypsin-like activity in the liver, and especially in the blood. At the resistance stage (48 hours after the stress) the restoration of thyroid homeostasis, the normalization of trypsin-like activity in the blood and limitation of its growth in the liver occur. At the stage of exhaustion of stress reaction (an hour of stress within 10 days) on the background of thyroid function depression the most significant increase of trypsin-like activity in the liver and in the blood develops. The introduction of mercazolil (intragastrically in the doses of 25 mg/kg during 20 days) causes decreased concentration of iodine-containing thyroid hormones in the blood and is accompanied by the decrease of trypsin-like activity. At the alarm stage of stress reaction hypothyroidism governs a more marked stimulation of the proteolysis in the liver and in the blood, at the resistance stage it prevents the normalization of this process, at the stage of exhaustion it promotes its excessive activation. The introduction of small doses of L-thyroxin (intragastrically in the doses of 1,5–3,0 µg/kg during 28 days) does not affect the concentration of iodine-containing thyroid hormones in the blood and the studied indices of proteolysis system. At the alarm and exhaustion stages of stress reaction L-thyroxin limitis the increase of the trypsin-like activity in the liver and in the blood, at the resistance stage it prevents its stimulation in the liver. The dependence of the changes in the proteinases / inhibitors system under stress on the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is connected with their influence on the activity of endogenous proteinase inhibitors (t1-antitrypsin and -2-macroglobulin) and the permeability of lysosomes membranes.
Key words: iodine-containing thyroid hormones, proteolysis, stress.


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