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Kozlovsky V.I., Simanovich A.V.
Adherence to therapy in patients with the second degree arterial hypertension. Literature review and the authors’ data

The review of literature presents current data on the issue of adherence to antihypertensive therapy in different countries. Identifying factors associated with adherence will allow to justify the execution of a number of measures to improve the effectiveness of hypertensive patients treatment. To assess the level of adherence to treatment in patients with II degree hypertension in Belarus and to identify factors associated with it was the aim of this study. The study included 182 patients, whose mean age made up 55,8±6,8 years. An individual profile was filled in for each patient, where the prescribed treatment and regularity of medication were indicated. The evaluation of adherence to therapy was carried out by Morisky-Green test, evaluation of the health level – by means of visual analogue scale.  SF-36 questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life, the level of reactive and personal anxiety was assessed by Spielberg-Hanin self-appraisal method.
The causes of poor adherence to antihypertensive treatment were revealed: male gender, disease duration less than 5 years, smoking, high indices of life quality by SF-36 questionnaire, the level of  health on visual analogue scale over 60, high and medium level of reactive and personal anxiety, treatment with one antihypertensive medicine, side effects of medicines, lack of blood pressure and antihypertensive medication self-monitoring by keeping a diary, lack of outpatient observation for hypertension. Patients who had had stroke and/or myocardial infarction were determined to have greater adherence to therapy.
Increase of adherence to treatment in patients with II degree hypertension can be achieved by means of keeping a diary to control arterial blood pressure and antihypertensive medication.
Key words: arterial hypertension, adherence to therapy.


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