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Anichkin V.V., Martynyuk V.V.
Method of pericystectomy including antiparasitic treatment of liver tissue with the mixture of glycerol and 1-2% solution of albendazole in dimeksid in patients suffering from hepatic echinococcosis

Objectives. To work out a new method of pericystectomy including antiparasitic treatment of liver tissue with the mixture of glycerol and 1-2% solution of albendazole in dimeksid (ratio 2,3:1) on surgical treatment for hepatic echinococcosis.
Material and methods. 3 patients suffering from hepatic echinococcosis operated on over the period from 2002 to 2013 were included into the study. On surgical treatment for hepatic echinococcosis pericystectomy was performed. In all cases surgery was complemented with the intraoperative antiparasitic treatment of liver tissue with the mixture of glycerol and 1-2% solution of albendazole in dimeksid (ratio 2,3:1). In the postoperative period all patients underwent the course of albendazole general chemotherapy (the dosage was 10-15 mg/kg, the maximum dosage made up 800 mg per day). Each course lasted for 1 month, the number of courses was not less than 3 for each patient.
Results.  The suggested method was applied on surgical treatment of 3 patients with hepatic echinococcosis. The effectiveness of decontamination of germinal elements was estimated by means of  microscopy of liquid samples from fibrous cavities before and after the antiparasitic treatment. The period of patients’ staying in the hospital varied from 17 to 18 days. The patients who were given the combined treatment (surgical and chemotherapeutic) had good and satisfactory short- and long-term results; there were no relapses of the disease during the period from 3 to 6 years. Cases of postoperative complications and lethality were not observed.
Conclusions. Complementing pericystectomy with the intraoperative application of the antiparasitic mixture of glycerol and 1-2% solution of albendazole in dimeksid coupled with the course of albendazole chemotherapy according to the conventional scheme is a highly effective combination of surgical and chemotherapeutic methods of treatment for hepatic echinococcosis, which assures the complete recovery of patients and allows to prevent the development of postoperative complications and relapses of the disease.
Key words: echinococcosis, pericystectomy, relapse, albendazole.


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