Dotsenko E.A., Rozhdestvensky D.A., Yupatov G.I.
Immunodeficiencies and some immunomodulatory drugs
This literature review deals with the data about immunodeficiency diseases (primary and secondary), their etiology and possibilities of their immunocorrection. The article presents modern classifications of immunomodulatory drugs, outlines the current state of immune system functioning and basic mechanisms of its regulation (classical three-component scheme of immune response and the hypothesis of TLR/NOD-dependent regulation of immune reactions) and formulates recommendations for administration and clinical use of the most widely practiced immunomodulatory drugs. Among them are bacterial lysates (Broncho-munal, Imudon, Ribomunyl, IRS-19), microbial macromolecular compounds (licopid, pyrogenalum, Prodigiosanum, sodium nucleinate), plant-derived remedies (Echinacea purpurea), synthetic immunomodulators (Pidotimod). For assessment of clinical efficacy of these drugs the classification based on recommendation of ACC/ESC – (Class of Recommendation / Level of Evidence Construct) has been used.
Key words: immune system, immunodeficiency, immunomodulator.