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Fomin A.V., Kirpiсhenko А.А., Fomin F.A.
Anxiety and depression in patients at a surgical hospital

As a result of the clinical and psychological examination of 54 patients treated for acute cholecystitis before surgical management a significant increase in the level of their anxiety and depression with predominance on the cognitive and affective scale has been found out, 80,6% of patients had anxiety ranging from high to medium degree which was associated with depression. Risk factors for a high level of anxiety and depression were the traumatism resulting from the surgery, age, comorbidity, and the social status of a patient. After surgical intervention anxiety combined with depression was observed in 44,4% of patients. The reduction of depression level occurred primarily due to the cognitive and emotional component. The level of depression in female patients after appendectomy was significantly lower than in those after cholecystectomy, the indices on the cognitive and affective subscale and the subscale of somatic manifestations of depression were reliably lower as well. The anxiety level in patients after appendectomy was also somewhat lower than in those after cholecystectomy. The received data testify to the incomplete recovery of the affective zone in patients after conducted radical surgical treatment. The results of the study justify the development of rehabilitation measures complex for patients before surgery and in the postoperative period for psychological and medicinal treatment of the affective spectrum disorders.
Key words: anxiety,  depression.


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