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Kugach V.V., Troina S.G.
The activities of United Nations Organization, World Health Organization and the Republic of Belarus aimed at providing healthy aging

The article presents the main directions of the activities of United Nations Organization (UN), World Health Organization (WHO) and the Republic of Belarus aimed at providing healthy population aging. It has been shown that the life span and the number of elderly people are increasing in the world. In connection with this the international community pays great attention to the given problem. Since 1982 complex of measures and a number of documents, which are called for providing the high level of elderly people life and health quality, their integration into different spheres of activity have been developed under the auspices of UN and WHO.
It has been established that in the Republic of Belarus substantial work for prevention of elderly people diseases, providing healthy and active aging is being done. In this country medical care and social services of geriatric patients are organized on a high level.
Key words: United Nations Organization, World Health Organization, population aging, elderly people, strategy, healthy aging.


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