Karpuk I.Y.
In vivо diagnosing of allergy in patients with intolerance to chrome
The majority of panels for the detection of allergy to metals include solutions of their salts in concentrations about one g/100 ml or mol/l. However, they can differ in the solvents used in their production (water, alcohol, oils, vaseline), anions (chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, etc.). It causes a certain variability of the received results. But as panels include mainly the substances possessing the highest allergenic potential, in principle the obtained results have a certain overlapping that allows the use of these panels for clinical purposes, although the reliability of diagnosing results on these or those concentrations of metal salts remains unclear.
Thus, there is a necessity for the determination of non-toxic concentrations of metal salts for skin tests.
The objective of this research was to establish optimum concentration of CrCl3 salt as an allergen by means of application skin tests with solutions of CrCl3 salt of different concentration for identification of sensitization to it.
The method of patch testing with a solution of CrCl3 salt for revealing sensitization of an organism to chrome has been developed and clinically tested.
The following groups of patients have been surveyed: with intolerance to dental prosthetic materials, having fixed orthopedic designs of artificial prostheses (n=43); the control group consisted of almost healthy 40 persons.
It has been established that the optimal concentration of CrCl3 salt solution for patch tests is three-percent. Concentrations of 0,5 and 1% of CrCl3 salt solution are insufficient for more reliable revealing of an allergy to chrome in patients with intolerance to tooth artificial prostheses. On 5% concentration of CrCl3 salt solution there is a considerable quantity of positive reactions in the control group that allows to consider the given concentration as toxic.
The suggested approach to the diagnosing of allergy to metals helps to avoid false-positive reactions which have resulted from the toxicity of salt, used as an allergen.
Key words: allergy, concentration of chrome salt, skin tests, diagnosing.
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