Shlyakhtunov E.A., Gidranovich A.V., Lud N.G., Lud L.N., Kozhar V.L., Prokoshin A.V.
Skin cancer: current state of the problem
The article presents the review of literature on the current state of the problem concerning the epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of squamous cell and basal cell skin cancer. Skin cancer occupies one of the leading places in the structure of oncological diseases of male and female population in the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, as well as in Western Europe. The main risk factors for the development of skin cancer have been determined, such as exposure to ultraviolet light, gender, age, precancerous conditions and skin diseases, P53 gene mutations, the impact of human papillomavirus, signalling pathway Hedgehog, the expression of miRNAs, etc. Histological structure of keratinizing and nonkeratinizing types of squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell skin cancer has been characterized. The features of the clinical course of different clinical forms of the disease have been considered. The main methods of diagnosis at the present stage are thorough examination of the skin, dermatoscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, ultrasound, morphological diagnosis. The main method of treatment as before remains surgical; besides such techniques as X-rays, laser and cryotherapy are applied. Modern and highly effective method currently used is photodynamic therapy. Systemic chemotherapy retains its value as well as a new direction – the use of Hedgehog signalling inhibitors.
Key words: skin cancer, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.
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