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Baytus N.A.
Synthetic osteoplastic preparations on the basis of hydroxyapatite in dentistry

Concomitant inflammatory diseases of the apical and marginal periodontium (endoperiodontitis) are one of the most pressing problems in dentistry as well as a serious  medicosocial problem. The prevalence of this pathology remains at a high level and has no tendency to decrease. Against the background of high (94,5%) incidence of periodontal diseases in appealing for help patients at the age from 18 to 89 years the prevalence of destructive forms of apical periodontitis is registered in more than half of the examined persons.
The article deals with the use of synthetic osteoplastic preparations in clinical dentistry. The characteristic of the structure, properties and mechanism of action of osteoplastic materials has been given. Their basic and supplementary components have been specified. Such concepts as biological activity, osteoinduction, osteoconduction have been considered and described. The properties that osteoplastic materials intended for insertion into the bone defect should possess have been listed. The information about the presence on the medical market of the Republic of Belarus  of synthetic osteoplastic preparations based on hydroxyapatite, their structure and potential clinical application in dentistry has been systematized. The possibilities and perspectives of using specific osteoinductive and osteoconductive materials for the treatment of diseases of apical and marginal periodontium as well as of their concomitant pathology have been illucidated.
Key words: osteoplastic material, hydroxyapatite, endoperiodontitis, osteogenesis, osteoinduction, osteoconduction.


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