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Frolova A.V., Kosinets A.N., Burak I.I., Denisenko V.L.
New approach to the prevention of exogenous wound infecting

We conducted the analysis of the dependence between inoculated microflora from the air and etiological structure of pyo-inflammatory processes in patients from the surgical department. The sensitivity of isolated from the air and wound contents of the strains of  S. aureus to antibiotics and antiseptics has been studied. The comparative study of effective air disinfection in the surgical department by traditional mode and with the help of recirculator «Vityaz», equipped with 2 ozone-free mercury lamps PHILIPS of the type TUV 25W with output of beams with e<200 nm has been made. The correlation between the microbial scenery of the air and species composition of the microflora, inoculated from the wound contents of the patients treated at the department has been revealed. It has been found that despite the variety of species composition of wound infection (52,13%) the dominant role in its appearance and development is played by the gram-positive microflora. The characteristic feature of the microbial pattern of the air in the dressing room when the dressings are done in the presence of additional medical staff and students is the revealing  of yeastlike fungi in addition to gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Microbiological studies have confirmed that the developed antiseptics are characterized by antimicrobial activity against not only S. aureus, but also other causative agents of wound infection, and their use for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes enables the reduction of the incidence of the development of pyo-inflammatory diseases and postoperative complications in surgical departments. The introduction into surgical practice of safe air decontamination method with the use of domestic bactericidal ultraviolet wall recirculator «Vityaz» helps to reduce the total microbial contamination of the air 13 times more effectively than the traditional mode of UV exposure.
Key words: air, surgery, recirculator, antiseptics.


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