Maslovskaya M.V., Lollini V.A.
Connective tissue undifferentiated dysplasia and minor heart abnormalities as a predictor of heart arrhythmia in patients with coronary heart disease
The literature review summarizes the results of the recent scientific researches on undifferentiated dysplasia of the connective tissue, provides modern definitions of the terms and presents the main classifications of the dysplastic syndromes and phenotypes. The peculiarity of the connective tissue morphogenesis is that it is involved in the formation of the heart carcass practically at all stages of ontogenesis. Hence, the influence of any disturbing factor can lead to heart connective tissue dysplasia and the development of minor heart abnormalities. The most important minor heart abnormalities such as mitral valve prolapse, supplemental chordae of the left ventricle as well as such important problematic aspects as dysplasia of the connective tissue and arrhythmias, the significance of minor heart abnormalities in modern cardiology are described in details. Atrial fibrillation is one of the types of arrhythmia which is most unfavorable for making the prognosis. Patients with coronary heart disease have evident correlation between the presence of atrial fibrillation and the severity of the clinic manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia. The presence of undifferentiated dysplasia of the connective tissue aggravates the progress of coronary heart disease; the patients have the increased left auricle and aortic root; the development of the mitral valve annulus fibrosis occurs more frequently. The combination of connective tissue dysplasia and the diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle has the negative impact on the ischemic myocardium compared with the isolated presence of each of these two factors in terms of improving the arrhythmogenicity and strengthening the remodelling processes of the heart muscle.
Key words: connective tissue dysplasia, minor heart abnormalities, mitral valve prolapse, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia.
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