Shkolnikov V.S., Guminsky Y.Y.
Structural peculiarities and morphometric parameters of the spinal cord segments of the human fetuses and Siamese twins in the comparative aspect
In this article all segments of the spinal cord of the human fetuses without any malformations and Siamese twins (thoraco-omphalopagus) have been investigated by means of anatomical, general histological, morphometric and statistical methods in comparative aspect. It has been determined that the length of the backbone in seventeen-eighteen-week fetuses equals 107,3+4,5 mm, and that of the spinal cord is 96,0±4,6 mm, that corresponds to 71,0% and 63,0% of the parietococcygeal length. The mean length of the Siamese twins backbone makes up 75,0±1,0 mm, that of the spinal cord is 68,0±1,0 mm, that corresponds to 64,0% and 58,0% of the parietococcygeal length. Linear size, area of white and gray substance of the corresponding segments of the spinal cord of the human seventeen-eighteen-week fetuses without malformations are considerably larger than those of Siamese twins. Thoracic segments, where the difference in linear size is not significant, make an exception. The linear morphometric parameters of the segments at the level of the cervical enlargement in seventeen-eighteen-week fetuses without malformations are as follows: anteroposterior size makes up 2,7±0,1 mm, transversal size is 3,6±0,2 mm, in Siamese twin these parameters make up 2,2±0,1 mm and 3,1±0,1 mm, correspondingly. The anteroposterior size of the thoracic segments of the fetuses without anomalies equals 1,7±0,1 mm, their transversal size is 1,9±0,2 mm, in Siamese twins these parameters make up 1,6±0,05 mm and 1,8±0,1 mm, respectively. The anteroposterior size at the level of lumbosacral enlargement of the spinal cord of the human seventeen-eighteen-week fetuses equals 2,6±0,1 mm, transversal size is 3,5±0,2 mm, in Siamese twins they make up 2,0±0,1 mm and 2,8±0,1 mm, correspondingly. The anteroposterior size of the sacral segments of the human seventeen-eighteen-week fetuses equals 2,0±0,1 mm, the transversal size is 2,6±0,2 mm, in Siamese twins they make up 1,6±0,05 mm and 2,2±0,2 mm, respectively.
Key words: intrauterine period, Siamese twins, thoraco-omphalopagus, spinal cord.
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