Pokhodenko-Chudakova I.O., Karsyuk Y.V.
Substantiation of the research on the development of the system to prognosticate dental implantation outcomes. Analytical literature review
Dental implantation is actively introduced into everyday practice of maxillofacial surgeons and dental surgeons. Despite its high results achieved during the last decades, there is a number of unsolved issues associated with implants rejection. The number of such complications according to different authors varies from 3 to 10%. The question which is constantly discussed concerns the list of relative indications and contraindications for implantation in a particular patient. In connection with this statement prognostication of the results of dental implantation at the present stage is a very urgent matter.
The purpose of this work is on the ground of the result of the analysis and generalization of information contained in domestic and foreign special literature to provide a theoretical basis for researches on the development of the system for dental implantation outcomes prognostication and to determine its informative value and effectiveness on the basis of the principles of evidence-based medicine.
In the given review based on the conducted study of 47 publications (29 – in Russian and 17 – in English) we present the results analysis of experimental, clinical and laboratory researches on the preparation, carrying out of dental implantation, in the process of postoperative follow-up of patients, on prosthetics and use of prosthetic constructions with dental implants support. This is an important theoretical basis for the development of the unified system to prognosticate the outcomes of dental implantation that will contribute to the reduction in the number of complications, increase in the terms of implants functioning and consequently improvement of dental care quality.
Key words: dental implantation, prognostication, clinical and laboratory results, oral fluid.