Nikolayeva A.G., Olenskaya T.L., Soboleva L.V., Arbatskaya I.V., Dragun O.V.
Hypobaric adaptation in the rehabilitation of patients with bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis
Objectives: To study the impact of altitude chamber adaptation (ACA) on clinical outcomes of the patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and chronic bronchitis (CB).
Material and methods: 30 patients with BA, 28 patients with chronic bronchitis, 15 healthy individuals were under observation. Adaptation to hypoxia was carried out in a multiseater medical vacuum plant «Ural – Antares».
Results. Immediately after the course of ACA vital capacity has increased (p=0,018, n=5,56), Tiffno index has also increased (p<0,001, H=17,39). The same tendency is observed in persons suffering from chronic bronchitis.
In patients with asthma after the course of ACA the total number of lymphocytes has decreased (p=0,014), T-suppressors and interleukin-4 have increased (p=0,023), (p=0,048). These data confirm the activation of the immune status.
By the end of ACA course statistically significant improvement in the quality of life has been revealed by questionnaire scales «over-all intensity of complaints» in BA patients (p=0,005) and in patients with CB (p=0,005).
Conclusions. The course of ACA favourably affects the clinical course of asthma, chronic bronchitis, reduces the number of exacerbations. After ACA course ventilation function of the lungs improves: LVC and index Tiffno increase. Inclusion of ACA course into the complex treatment of patients with BA leads to positive dynamics of T-cell immunity. Rational non-pharmacological method of ACA complements rehabilitation measures complex in the patients with respiratory disorders.
Key words: hypobaric adaptation, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.