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Artemenko T.V., Sakharuk N.A.
The analysis of stomatological health status in patients with endocrine pathology (hypothyroidism)

High prevalence of the thyroid diseases is an urgent problem for the Republic of Belarus and it is associated with the thyroid gland radiation exposure as a result of Chernobyl disaster on the stable iodine deficiency background. Hypothyroidism keeps one of the leading places in the structure of endocrine diseases. Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome caused by a persistent shortage of thyroid hormones in the body. Thyroid hormone deficiency causes marked changes in the metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and decline of oxidative and energy cellular reactions as well as inhibition of all types of metabolism. There is evidence concerning the thyroid gland influence on the immune response state and the function of other glands in the body. Dental status greatly depends on the calcium-phosphorus metabolism, which in its turn is affected by the thyroid hormones, thyrocalcitonin in particular. A number of scientific studies demonstrate a close relationship of the oral cavity diseases with the endocrine system pathology. There is information about the influence of the thyroid gland pathology on the occurrence, prevalence and progress of dental diseases. This article deals with the results of dental examination of patients with endocrine pathology (42 patients with hypothyroidism). It has been established that patients with hypothyroidism have reliably higher values, characterizing the periodontal tissue state (GI and CPI indices) and the intensity of decay (DEF index), lower levels of oral hygiene (OHIS index) as compared with the control group. The relationship between the dental status and the severity of the endocrine disease has been established. While comparing the endocrine pathology severity with DEF index, a high degree of correlation has been found out with OHIS index and a moderate degree of correlation has been established with GI and CPI indices. Thus, the severer the course of endocrine disease is, the worse dental health indices are.
Key words: stomatological status, hypothyroidism, thyrocalcitonin.


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