Yurkevich A.B.
The evaluation of professional qualification of the pharmaceutical faculty graduates from the position of competence approach
The aim of this study was to develop criteria for assessing the level of the acquired professional competence with the specification of special competences of a pharmacist on the basis of the analysis of pharmaceutical education system during the transition to the state educational standard of higher education of the third generation.
The obtained results have shown that the teacher remains the key figure in the educational process. All the problems and all the achievements of modern pedagogical practice are concentrated in him/her. It is he/she who is the principal conductor of the competence approach into the educational process. A teacher-pharmacist should possess formed special competence enabling him/her to solve professional problems of the pharmaceutical education. The training of a future specialist depends on his/her «professional energy», knowledge and skill to impart it. Therefore, pedagogical training is one of the problems that are always urgent. It is naturally reflected in the views on the system of teachers professional training.
Educational technologies (methods to generate competencies) and methods to evaluate the level of the formation of these competencies (evaluation tools) are inseparably connected aspects of instruction, which should guide the student in the required direction.
As a result of the conducted research a model to calculate the number of the credit units as a criterion for evaluation of the professional qualification of the pharmaceutical faculty graduates was developed. In our opinion, the presence of digital expression of the level of graduates’ professional qualification will become the main criterion at a job placement, and therefore will serve as a great educational incentive to both students’ class-room work during the whole period of study at the university and professional self-education.
Key words: competence approach, professional competence, competitiveness.
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