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Shevlyakov V.V., Filonyuk V.A., Rybina T.M., Chernyshova Е.V., Kardash O.F., Ehrm G.I., Buynitskaya A.V., Studenichnik Т.S.
Health status of the employees engaged in biotechnological productions

It has been found out that the employees of 4 biotechnological productions located in Minsk, Skidel, Bobruisk, who had occupationally been exposed to contact with industrial microorganisms show a rather high rate of prevalence of subjective and objective symptoms of major organs and systems disorders which is 2,8-16 times higher than that of the comparison group (р<0,05-0,001). The disorders mainly had a typical and characteristic allergic focus, multisystem and combination traits, regularly increased with the length of work experience of the employees which characterizes them as production-caused. Restrictive changes in the bronchi have been revealed in the employees whose work experience was more than 15 years, moderate reduction of the subjective assessment of functional health status in terms of «health» has been found in the employees with work experience of 5-10 years.
The number of disability days due to diseases per 100 employees, and the average duration of cases in the group of employees exposed to microbiological factors are significantly higher than those in the comparison group. It is more common for the employees occupied under the impact of industrial microbiological factor to suffer from acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract at the age of 25 with 2,5 year work experience (the employees with little work experience occupied under the impact of industrial microorganisms most frequently fall ill with influenza which defines the priority indications for influenza vaccine prevention measures among this category of employees), whereas in the comparison group these diseases are diagnosed more often at a later age - 38,8 (10,5) years (p<0,05).
To ensure the safe circulation of microorganisms-producers and biological products on their basis it is both important and necessary to improve and develop modern system of early diagnosis and prevention of professional and work-related diseases in employees engaged in biotechnological productions.  
Key words: biotechnological production, biologically harmful factors, employees health status.


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