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Stepanenko A.Y., Maryenko N.I.
Structure and individual anatomical variability of the neocerebellum of the human vermis

The objective of the study was to determine the structure and individual variability of lobules VI–VII (declive, folium, tuber) of the human vermis. 230 human cerebella (age 21-95 years) served as a material for the investigation.
After fixation in 10% formalin solution vermis was dissected on the sagittal plane and photographed. Images were analyzed.
Lobules VI–VII are formed by common branch of the cerebellar white body. Its trunk is divided into two (198, or 86%, the 1st type of branching) or three (32, or 14%, the 2nd type) primary branches – superior, inferior and posterior. They in their turn are divided into three (52%) or four (48%) secondary branches. There are several types of this branching.
The first (34 or 14,8%): superior branch divides into two, superior proper and superior posterior, branches. The second (77 or 33,5%): inferior branch divides into two, inferior proper and inferior posterior, branches. The third (30, or 13,0%): superior branch divides into three, superior proper, superior posterior and posterior, branches. The fourth (57 or 24,8%): superior branch divides into superior proper and superior posterior; inferior one - into inferior proper and inferior posterior branches. The fifth (9, or 3,9%): three primary branches are present and they do not divide into secondary branches. The sixth (20 or 8,7%): superior branch divides into two secondary branches – superior proper and superior posterior. The seventh (3 or 1,3%): posterior branch divides into two (posterior superior and posterior inferior) branches.
Folium lies together with the tuber lobule in 58% of cases, with declive – in 28%, it lies between them – in 14% of cases. Superior surface of the neocerebellum is formed by one - three small branches, inferior surface – by two - seven folia and small superficial branches.
Key words: human being, cerebellar cortex, arbor vitae cerebelli, individual variability.


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