Sheybak V.M., Nikolayeva I.V., Pavlyukovets A.Y.
Microbiocenosis in large intestine and free amino acid content in microbial-tissue complex of rats
Microbial-tissue complex is formed by microcolonies of bacteria and metabolites produced by them, mucin, epithelial cells of the mucous membrane and the glycocalyx. Mucin secreted in the upper parts of the intestine splits and amino acids are reabsorbed and stored in enterocytes, providing significant metabolic support to the cells of the large intestine and intraintestinal microflora.
The aim of the study was to establish possible correlation between the number of major groups of microorganisms in the large intestine of the intact rats and the content of free amino acids and their nitrogen-containing derivatives in microbial-tissue complex of the colon.
After the white rats weighing 140-160 g decapitation, the content of the large intestine was taken for microbiological examination. Determination of free amino acids in the microbial-tissue complex of the colon was performed with the help of Agilent 1100 chromatography system. Mathematical processing of the obtained data was carried out with Statistica 6.0 programme. Correlation analysis was made using the correlation coefficient (r) Spearman.
Correlation analysis between the number of microorganisms and the content of proteinogenic amino acids and their nitrogen-containing metabolites in microbial-tissue complex of the large intestine has shown, that there is a positive correlation only with respect to the gassing of microflora. Among 20 proteinogenic amino acids positive correlation with the main representatives of the biotope occurs in respect to 7 amino acids: lysine, valine, tryptophan, methionine, serine, arginine and asparagin. A similar correlation is formed between histidine metabolite (1 methylhistidine), sulfur-containing amino acid - cystathionine and arginine metabolite – citrulline.
The greatest number of negative correlation relationships has been revealed by comparing the content of lactobacilli, lactose-negative enterobacteria and proteinogenic amino acids concentrations in the enterocytes. Population of bifidobacteria correlates with the amount of lysine.
Correlations are characteristic of amino acids most frequently involved in the synthesis of the glycocalyx (threonine, serine) and providing a flow of circulating biologically important bioregulators (aromatic amino acids, tryptophan, arginine, alanine), asparagin, methionine, isoleucine and also lysine (and its major metabolite a-aminoadipinic acid as well as aminobutyric acids).
Key words: microbiocenosis, large intestine, mucin, enterocytes, amino acids, rats.
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